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It adds up

One example: With a 5 kW photovoltaic unit installed in Munich, you will generate around 4,750 kWh electricity a year from a calculated solar radiation of 950 kWh/kWp. On starting up the unit you will be reimbursed at a rate of 49.21 cents per kWh, amounting to a total payment of 2,338 euros a year.


Clear tax benefits

As a "solar electricity producer", you write off your photovoltaic installation over 10 – 20 years and, in Germany, you obtain 19 % VAT from the energy supply company for every kWh produced. This is passed on to the tax office, but in the year of purchase it offset against the input tax contained in the price of the installation and paid back to you. In the case of a unit costing 15,000 euros, this amounts to nearly 2,400 euros.


Low operating costs

Photovoltaic modules are virtually free of maintenance and malfunctions. Ongoing costs result, for example, from the regular reading of the electricity meter, servicing and cleaning the panels in the event of heavy soiling. The annual operating costs amount to about one percent of the procurement costs.

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