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The reimbursement rates vary according to the application and size of the photovoltaic installation as follows (year of start-up: 2009):

Reimbursement rates per kilowatt-hour for:

1. Photovoltaic installations on roofs and sound-absorbing walls
    - from 0 to 30 kWp: 43,01 Cent

    - from 30 to 100 kWp: 40,91 Cent   

    - above 100 kWp: 39,58 Cent

2. Photovoltaic installations on the ground

    -  Irrespective of the size of the unit: 31,94 Cent

These reimbursements are high because they are oriented to the electricity generation costs*, which are still significantly higher for renewable energy sources than for conventional sources. The reason is obvious: The costs for "conventional" electricity do not include the cost of eliminating environmental and climate damage nor state subsidies. Solar-generated electricity would be fully competitive today if these costs were included in the energy price and did not have to be borne by the general public.

* Cost of generating 1 kWh of electrical energy.


Vergütungsätze in Cent/kwH nach Inbetriebnahmejahr 2009 2010 2011
 Nennleistung < 30 kW 43,01 39,57 36,01
 Nennleistung 30 bis 100 kW 40,91 37,64 34,25
 Nennleistung 100 bis 1000 kW
39,58 35,62 32,41
 Nennleistung > 1000 kW 33,00 29,70 27,03
 PV Eigenverbrauch (bis 30 kW) 25,01 23,01 20,94

Vergütungsätze in Cent/kwH nach Inbetriebnahmejahr 2009 2010 2011
 PV-Anlagen 31,94 28,75 26,16
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